“Surprisingly, these types of vegetables get fatter the more you eat, many people don’t know

  • January 24, 2024

These vegetables contain a lot of sugar and calories equivalent to rice; eating more can lead to weight gain, something those trying to lose weight need to be aware of. For diabetes patients and those aiming to lose weight, three vegetable meals per day are essential. However, it’s crucial to eat them correctly to control sugar levels and reduce cravings. Not all types of vegetables are suitable for this purpose. These vegetables contain a lot of sugar and calories equivalent to rice; eating more can lead to weight gain, something those trying to lose weight need to be aware of.

Surprisingly, these types of vegetables get fatter the more you eat, many people don’t know – Photo 1. Vegetables not to eat when losing weight


Carrots have a high Glycemic Index (GI) of 71, making them a food with a high blood sugar index. Carrots also have a very high energy content; eating 100g of carrots is equivalent to eating 40g of rice or 20g of steamed buns.

If you want to eat root vegetables, choose white radishes, especially suitable for those with diabetes. White radishes have much lower energy content; 100g of white radish only provides 16 kcal of energy.

Lotus root

The GI value of lotus root is not very high, but it contains 11.5% carbohydrates, providing 47 kcal per 100g. Vegetables like cabbage, kale, cucumber, etc., have less than 20 kcal per 100 grams.

Therefore, you cannot eat lotus root casually, and because it is rich in nutrients and fiber, it gives a strong feeling of fullness and can replace some rice or buns. When eating lotus root, reduce other starchy foods.


Fresh beets are often used in salads or soups. Beetroot can be extracted into white sugar, so the sugar content and glycemic index of this type of root vegetable are not low. Beets also have a relatively high energy content; eating 100g of beets is equivalent to eating 74g of rice or 37g of steamed buns.

Garlic scapes

Garlic scapes are a high-energy vegetable that is often overlooked. Eating 100g of garlic scapes is equivalent to eating 56g of rice or 28g of steamed buns, more energy-rich than carrots.

Fresh peas

For example, Dutch peas and soybeans have high nutritional and energy values. Dutch peas have a GI value of 48, and 100g provides 264 kcal of energy. Eating 100g of Dutch peas is equivalent to eating 224g of rice or 112g of steamed buns.

Meanwhile, soybeans have a low carbohydrate content but high protein content of 13.1%, so the energy is also high. Eating 100g of soybeans is equivalent to eating 111g of rice or 56g of steamed buns.

Surprisingly, these types of vegetables get fatter the more you eat, many people don’t know – Photo 2. Fruits not to eat when losing weight

In addition to the vegetables not to eat when losing weight, you should avoid some fruits that contain a lot of sugar and energy if you want a slim figure:


In addition to the main vegetables not to eat when losing weight, you should also limit durian consumption. Although this fruit is dubbed the king of fruits because it contains a lot of vitamins B and C, which are good for health, the calorie content in durian is very high. Therefore, those who are losing weight need to consider before using it.

Specifically, 100g of durian contains up to 147 calories and about 5.3g of fat. If you love this type of fruit, you should only eat a small durian each time, about 2 – 3 times a week to ensure effective weight loss.


Jackfruit has a sweet, mild aroma and a very soft texture when bitten, making it a favorite of many people. However, in 100g of jackfruit, there are up to 94 calories, so those who are trying to lose weight should limit their consumption. Especially, delicious dried jackfruit contains even more calories (282 calories/100g). Therefore, if you don’t want a round body, it’s best to limit the use of jackfruit and dishes made from jackfruit.

Ripe mango

Mango is a fruit with a sour-sweet taste that stimulates the taste buds, so it is widely used in ice cream, candy, cakes, etc. But in 100g of mango, there are about 120 calories, so eating a lot will significantly increase weight. For this reason, mango is classified into the list of fruits that need to be limited in addition to the vegetables not to eat when losing weight.


Although coconut water contains very few calories and is encouraged to be used regularly, coconut meat contains a lot of energy. In 100g of coconut meat, there can be up to 300 calories and 29.1g of fat. Therefore, if you want to have a slim figure, besides the vegetables not to eat when losing weight, you also need to limit coconut consumption.


Strawberries have a mild sour taste, so they are used a lot to make cakes, helping to reduce the greasy feeling caused by butter. When squeezed for drinking, this fruit will help nourish the skin to be white and soft. Although strawberries have low calories, the sugar content is absorbed slowly, so it can accumulate excess fat, making the body fat.

Chinese apples

Although Chinese apples contain many vitamins, proteins, and nutritious fibers, they are one of the fruits not to eat when losing weight due to their high calorie content. In 100g of fresh Chinese apples, there are 122 calories, and dried Chinese apples have up to 247 calories. Therefore, if you want to have a slender figure, avoid using this dish.

Fresh avocado

Fresh avocados are commonly used to make salads and various mixed sauces because of their attractive fatty taste. But if you are losing weight, you need to consider eating this fruit because 100g of avocado contains up to 160 calories and 14.7g of fat, making it easy to accumulate excess energy, leading to fat accumulation.

Various types of dried fruits

Various types of dried fruits are often seasoned with spices, so the taste is very attractive. Although this is a snack that many people love, the calorie content is very high, making it easy to make you gain weight. According to information from some food processing units:

  • A cup of dried grapes has an energy level of up to 500 calories.
  • A cup of dried apricots contains up to 447 calories.
  • 100g of dried apricots contains up to 241 calories.
  • 100g of figs contains 281 calories.
  • 100g of dried bananas contains 518 calories.

From the information about calorie content above, various types of dried fruits are listed in the list of fruits not to eat when losing weight. If you want to eat, you should use a very small amount to ensure that the

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