3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify

  • January 24, 2024

You don’t need expensive remedies; by waking up early and consuming these three familiar drinks in the morning, you can enhance your health and beauty. Nowadays, many people face issues with digestion, weight, and the accumulation of toxins in the body.

This could be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, a hectic pace of life with too much stress, improper diet, lack of exercise, and inadequate rest.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 1. To improve weight, boost digestion, detoxify, and enhance health, you can make use of these three familiar and cost-effective drinks every early morning when you wake up.

  1. Warm Water with Honey

Mix a little honey, preferably pure honey, with warm water and drink it in the morning after waking up.

Honey water can be consumed at any time of the day, but this is the “golden time” if you want to alleviate constipation, boost metabolism, burn excess fat, and detoxify your body.

This drink not only replenishes the water content but also supplements the body’s energy that has been depleted after a long night’s sleep. Honey is rich in nutrients, especially minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for health.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 2. Regardless of the type of drink, remember not to consume it when it’s hotter than 60 degrees Celsius, as it may cause cancer (Illustration)

A warm cup of honey water in the morning can help improve your digestive system.

Because honey contains antiseptic components that help prevent reflux in your stomach, when combined with warm water, it helps soothe the stomach from inflammation, maintaining the regular movement of your intestines to limit conditions like constipation, bloating, and indigestion.

Especially, drinking honey water on an empty stomach in the morning also promotes bowel movements, enhances metabolism, and helps reduce excess fat, especially around the abdominal area.

Apart from cleansing the stomach, drinking honey water at this time also eliminates harmful toxins and bacteria in the body (mainly accumulated in the liver) through the enzymes found in honey.

You can add a few drops of lemon juice if you want to enhance the weight loss and detoxifying effects of this beverage.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 3. 2. Water with Solomon’s Seal Powder

Solomon’s Seal powder is known as a natural ingredient helpful in improving digestion.

There are many ways to use Solomon’s Seal powder to treat constipation, enhance digestion, but a simple and effective method is to mix a cup of warm Solomon’s Seal powder (20 – 35 degrees Celsius) and drink it in the morning after waking up.

According to traditional medicine, Solomon’s Seal has a cooling nature, sweet taste, and contains many flavonoids along with amino acids that help lubricate the intestines, facilitate bowel movements, and cool the body.

That’s why ancient traditional medicine has used Solomon’s Seal powder to treat constipation and detoxify.

Modern studies have also revealed that Solomon’s Seal powder contains isoflavonoids such as puerarin, daidzin, daidzein… These substances soften stools, loosen stool consistency to facilitate waste elimination from the body more smoothly.

At the same time, they also help the rectum enhance its contraction, increase mucus secretion, making bowel movements easier and less painful.

In addition to boosting metabolism to burn excess fat, Solomon’s Seal water is rich in resistant starch that helps control appetite and reduce calorie absorption, thereby supporting an effective weight loss process. Drinking water with Solomon’s Seal is also believed to have a cooling and detoxifying effect, especially for the liver and kidneys.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 4. You can add a little lemon to Solomon’s Seal water to enhance weight loss and detoxification effectiveness (Illustration)

However, there are some notes when drinking Solomon’s Seal water, especially in the morning. Firstly, it should only be mixed with lukewarm water, stirred well to dissolve the powder and filter out impurities, as the powder may clump (if any).

Do not drink Solomon’s Seal water on an entirely empty stomach; drink it before a cup of warm water or have a light meal to avoid side effects.

You should only drink one cup of Solomon’s Seal water per day and dilute it. You can add lemon, but limit sugar to enhance weight loss and detoxification effectiveness.

  1. Warm Filtered Water

The simplest and most economical type of drink you should consume in the morning after waking up is a cup of warm filtered water.

Note that not all types of water become better when heated in the morning, especially when the stomach is empty and the body is weaker after a long night’s sleep.

Therefore, you should not use raw water (not filtered, not disinfected…) to heat and drink to avoid bacterial contamination, bringing diseases into your body.

Drinking warm filtered water on an empty stomach early in the morning not only helps reduce weight, detoxify but also promotes digestion, treats constipation, and is good for the heart.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 5. When the body does not consume enough water, the small intestine will absorb most of the water consumed through food.

This causes a situation of water loss and may make it more difficult to urinate, leading to constipation. Meanwhile, drinking warm water has the ability to help break down food faster, warm the intestines, and promote bowel movements.

Moreover, drinking warm filtered water at this time also helps enhance detoxification, especially for the liver, kidneys, and stomach.

Drinking a cup of warm water early in the morning when the stomach is still empty helps regulate the metabolic function in the digestive system.

The intestinal system will move the waste residues outside, helping the body cleanse, clean the digestive system. Similarly, increasing urine and sweat secretion helps the liver and kidneys detoxify more effectively.

Regarding weight loss, drinking plenty of filtered water has made you quickly feel full, limiting additional calorie intake, enhancing metabolism, and burning fat.

But this will be more effective if you drink warm filtered water in the morning on an empty stomach or before breakfast.

A study comparing the consumption of cold water and hot water showed that switching from cold water to hot water helps with better weight loss.

Researchers also found that drinking 500ml of warm water before meals increases metabolism by 30%.

And when the water temperature reaches 98.6 degrees, it accounts for 40% of the increased metabolism. This metabolism process lasts for 30 – 40 minutes after water consumption.

3 Types of Morning Drinks that Boost Digestion, Reduce Excess Fat, and Detoxify – Image 6. Drinking a cup of warm filtered water in the morning when you wake up, on an empty stomach, is very good for your health (Illustration)

However, keep in mind that you should only drink warm water and not let the temperature exceed 60 degrees Celsius to avoid damage and cancer.

Also, do not drink more than 500ml; it is best to consume between 200 – 350ml to avoid burdening the body with discomfort. When drinking, sip slowly in small sips and avoid moving

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