The most vitamin C-rich herb, not inferior to oranges and lemons, with powerful anti-aging properties

  • January 24, 2024

The vitamin C content in this herb is much higher than other herbs in the same group, providing robust anti-aging effects and a host of health benefits. This herb is none other than coriander!

As the Lunar New Year approaches at the end of the year, many people have the habit of bathing in coriander-infused water to cleanse their bodies, rejuvenating themselves both literally and figuratively. Coriander is also popular as a spice in Tet holiday meals due to its delightful and distinctive flavor, reminiscent of the warm traditional Tet celebrations.

The most vitamin C-rich herb, not inferior to oranges and lemons, with powerful anti-aging properties

Few people know that coriander is one of the herbs richest in vitamin C. Nutritionist Dr. Vu Dai Duong (working in Ho Chi Minh City) asserts that, when compared to other herbs, coriander consistently holds the top position, not inferior to oranges and lemons. The vitamin C content in coriander is even higher than in herbs like cilantro, basil… which are known for their richness in this nutrient. As a result, coriander helps stimulate collagen production, playing a crucial role in enhancing collagen synthesis.

Moreover, coriander contains linolenic acid, studied as a powerful anti-aging factor for the skin. Linolenic acid contains antioxidants that counteract free radicals in the blood, preventing damage to healthy skin cells.

The most vitamin C-rich herb, not inferior to oranges and lemons, with powerful anti-aging properties – Image 2. The vitamin C content in coriander is even higher than in herbs like cilantro, basil… (Illustrative image)

Nutrition experts from The Nutrition Twins also believe that coriander contains an abundant source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help slow down the aging process, including visibly slowing down signs of aging by sweeping away free radicals that damage cells. As a result, the skin is stimulated to produce more collagen, helping you look younger than your actual age.

The Nutrition Twins further note that several studies indicate that consuming coriander can even help protect the skin from harmful sun rays and combat aging caused by sunlight exposure.

Furthermore, the carotenoid content (precursor to vitamin A) in coriander leaves is ten times higher than in tomatoes, cucumbers, calcium, and iron. This herb is incredibly nutritious, providing essential nutrients for the body and maintaining beautiful, youthful skin.

Experts recommend incorporating this herb into soups, stews, and suitable dishes, but also suggest using coriander for skincare, such as boiling the entire coriander plant to make a regular bathwater, resulting in brighter and softer skin. Using coriander water as a hair rinse can also help maintain dark and long hair.

The most vitamin C-rich herb, not inferior to oranges and lemons, with powerful anti-aging properties – Image 3. The carotenoid content in coriander leaves is ten times higher than in tomatoes, cucumbers… (Illustrative image)

In addition to promoting collagen and anti-aging effects, consuming coriander offers a myriad of health benefits:

  1. Enhanced Digestive System Coriander is rich in fiber, supporting the digestive system, preventing constipation, and stimulating digestion. It is an effective herb to avoid constipation.
  2. Immune System Support Coriander has antibacterial and antifungal properties, helping the body resist various infections. Dodecenal, a compound in coriander, can even combat bacteria like Salmonella, which can cause food poisoning.
  3. Pain Reduction and Anti-Inflammatory Coriander contains compounds with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, helping alleviate symptoms of joint inflammation.

The most vitamin C-rich herb, not inferior to oranges and lemons, with powerful anti-aging properties – Image 4. Coriander contains compounds with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. (Illustrative image)

  1. Cardiovascular Health Support Coriander extract has been tested in laboratories and may act as a diuretic, helping eliminate excess water and sodium from the body. This aids in reducing blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, and improving cardiovascular health.
  2. Essential Vitamin and Mineral Supply Coriander provides essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, and important minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Regular consumption of this herb ensures the body receives crucial vitamins and minerals.
  3. Immune System Enhancement Due to its abundant vitamin C content, consuming coriander can help strengthen the immune system, providing protection against various diseases and reducing the likelihood of illness.
  4. Improved Breath Chewing coriander can help prevent bad breath due to its powerful antibacterial properties. This is a simple secret to boost your confidence in daily communication.

Note: Despite its numerous health benefits, coriander should not be consumed excessively. If you have any health concerns, are taking specific medications, etc., it is advisable to consult with a doctor or nutrition expert for personalized advice.

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