The Excellent Cancer Prevention Effect of Bitter Gourd

  • January 24, 2024

Bitter gourd not only has an appealing taste but also offers many health benefits. Particularly, a study from the University of Colorado Cancer Center (USA) has proven the ability of this plant to combat pancreatic cancer, one of the most challenging cancers to treat. This is a cancer prevention effect of bitter gourd that not everyone is aware of.

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  1. General information about bitter gourd 1.1 What is bitter gourd? Bitter gourd is found in many tropical regions worldwide. Over time, bitter gourd has been used as a daily food and also finds applications in traditional medicine.

Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon or bitter squash, has a rough appearance and a bitter taste. This food contains various vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C.

Currently, no research confirms that bitter gourd can cure diseases, but some studies indicate its effectiveness and impact on certain health conditions.

Excellent Cancer Prevention Effect of Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd is a familiar food in many families.

1.2 Health benefits of bitter gourd for humans Bitter gourd contains a high amount of vitamin C, approximately 120 mg, much higher than strawberries (80 mg) and lemons (90 mg). This vitamin C content helps boost the body’s immunity, excellent anti-inflammatory properties, etc.

The potassium in bitter gourd helps lower blood pressure, while beta-carotene aids in vision improvement and the treatment of acid reflux and indigestion.

Patients with jaundice due to liver inflammation should consume bitter gourd regularly, and it can also be used to treat hemorrhoids caused by excess heat in the intestines.

For individuals with digestive issues such as gastric pain, colitis, and constipation, bitter gourd is an excellent remedy. It contains a high amount of fiber that aids in easy digestion, preventing and controlling digestive diseases.

Bitter gourd also contributes to improving and enhancing eyesight, reducing eye-related conditions such as eye infections, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

1.3 Cases where patients should limit bitter gourd consumption Despite being a healthy food, certain patient groups should limit their daily consumption of bitter gourd:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Bitter gourd can cause severe nausea or vomiting in pregnant women, and it may lead to bleeding, premature birth, or even miscarriage. It also contains components that may not be beneficial for breast milk.

Excellent Cancer Prevention Effect of Bitter Gourd Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not consume too much bitter gourd.

  • Individuals with low blood pressure: Bitter gourd contains charantin, polypeptide-p, and vicine, which can lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Patients with digestive problems: Regular consumption of bitter gourd can cause digestive irritation, leading to diarrhea, and continuous increase in stomach acidity may cause stomach pain.
  • Individuals with liver or kidney diseases: Bitter gourd is difficult to digest and may elevate liver enzymes, affecting the treatment process.
  • Individuals with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency: Bitter gourd can lead to anemia, headaches, fever, and abdominal pain. Patients should also limit bitter gourd intake 2 weeks before surgery.
  1. Cancer Prevention Effects of Bitter Gourd 2.1 Prevention of pancreatic cancer by bitter gourd Modern studies confirm bitter gourd as a medicinal plant. A study from the University of Colorado Cancer Center (USA) demonstrated its ability to combat pancreatic cancer, one of the most challenging cancers to treat.

The findings showed that treating pancreatic tumors in mice with 5 milligrams of dried bitter gourd juice per day reduced the tumor size to only 64% compared to untreated mice. Moreover, bitter gourd proved more effective than a common chemotherapy drug used in a similar study, reducing the tumor size to only 52%.

Researchers noted that the dosage used in this study did not cause any side effects in mice and could potentially be adapted for human use.

Excellent Cancer Prevention Effect of Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd has various health benefits.

2.2 Prevention of esophageal cancer by bitter gourd In another study, bitter gourd killed cells in four pancreatic cancer lines, reducing the survival of two lines by 90% and the other two by 98%. It also prevented the metastasis and recurrence of cancer cells.

Other studies also demonstrated the efficacy of bitter gourd against various cancers, including blood, colon, liver, stomach, and breast cancers.

While most studies focus on bitter gourd’s ability to reduce blood sugar levels, it is evident that bitter gourd has multiple health benefits. Studies indicate that bitter gourd consumption increases cell glucose uptake, improves glucose absorption, and enhances insulin secretion.

Note: The information provided is for reference and research purposes only and should not substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients should follow the guidance of healthcare professionals and avoid self-administering based on the content of this article to ensure health safety.

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