Sweet as sugar but excellent for lowering blood sugar, also the “bane” of kidney stones, bananas are plentiful in the market.

  • January 24, 2024

With rich nutritional content, bananas bring many benefits to humans.

Bananas are a familiar fruit to the Vietnamese people. According to experts, this fruit contains a complete set of essential nutrients for the human body such as starch, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Not only does it have a delicious taste, but bananas also provide remarkable health benefits that you may not be aware of.

  1. Blood sugar reduction

Bananas are sweet, but few know that they are very effective in reducing blood sugar. The two special types of fiber present in this fruit can combine to regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite by slowing down the emptying process of the stomach.

Especially, not only ripe bananas, but individuals with type 2 diabetes can also include green bananas in their diet as they contain low levels of sugar. A diabetes patient’s diet needs to be low in sugar, making green bananas a perfect food for them.

  1. Good for the kidneys

Alongside apples, pineapples, grapes, bananas are also excellent for the kidneys, especially in preventing kidney stones effectively.

Bananas perform this function because they are rich in potassium, which helps reduce the absorption of calcium and inhibits the formation of complex bonds between calcium and acids in bile. Additionally, the magnesium in this fruit also prevents calcium from combining with oxalate, reducing the formation of calcium oxalate crystals – the most common type of kidney stones.

A study also indicated that consuming green bananas helps maintain kidney health, preventing kidney problems, especially kidney cancer. Therefore, incorporating this fruit into the daily diet is one way to prevent kidney stones. For those with kidney stones, it is advisable to consult with a specialist for proper treatment and improvement of the condition.

  1. Digestive support, good for the intestines

A fiber-rich diet is linked to health benefits, including improved digestion. Bananas are a good source of fiber, helping prevent bloating and constipation when consumed in moderate amounts. Particularly, pectin – a type of fiber found in both ripe and unripe bananas – can protect the intestines from colorectal cancer and effectively prevent constipation by softening stools.

  1. Cardiovascular health support

Potassium in bananas is not only helpful in preventing kidney stones but is also an essential mineral for heart health, especially in controlling blood pressure. Furthermore, according to older studies and animal research, those who consume high levels of potassium have a 27% lower risk of heart disease.

Moreover, bananas contain a significant amount of magnesium crucial for cardiovascular health. A deficiency in this mineral may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol levels. Therefore, including bananas in your daily diet can provide the body with magnesium.

Additionally, here are two other sweet fruits with blood sugar-lowering properties:

  1. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is a familiar sweet fruit to Vietnamese people, but few know about its blood sugar-lowering benefits. Studies have shown that dragon fruit contains diabetes-fighting compounds such as ascorbic acid, fiber, beta-carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin, helping control blood sugar levels and preventing blood sugar spikes. Therefore, this fruit is considered good for those with diabetes.

  1. Pear

Pears are sweet, delicious, and highly nutritious. Nutrition expert Dr. Sam Christie at the UK’s health care website Nature’s Best notes that the polyphenols in this fruit help prevent type 2 diabetes. In particular, the plant polyphenols in this fruit help lower blood sugar levels effectively.

In addition, some studies also show that eating pears five times a week improves insulin sensitivity and prevents complications of type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, if you want healthy blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes, add these fruits to your daily diet to experience their truly effective benefits.

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