How To Write An Essay On The Tiger For Classes 1, 2, 3

Tigers are magnificent animals that amaze people with their nimbleness and raw power, unmatched by other animals. Tigers are really large cats and belong to the same family as the domesticated cats we are all familiar with. Children are often asked to write about the tiger, our national animal, for an essay writing assignment in class and exams. The key to writing great essays about a topic such as this is to write good facts in an interesting manner such that the reader is intrigued. Let us guide your child on how to write an essay on tigers for classes 1, 2 and 3 in different formats. You can refer to these interesting facts to add to your own essay on the topic.

Key Points To Note: Essay On The Tiger For Lower Primary Classes

Here are some important tips on how to write an essay on tigers:

  • An essay on the tiger should be rich in facts about the animal.
  • Talk about the tiger’s ecosystem, physical characteristics and general behaviour in short essays.
  • Longer essays need to have an introductory and concluding paragraph.
  • You can go deeper into their habitat, classification, and conservation ideas in longer essays.

Essay In 10 Lines On The Tiger

Essays in single lines are the simplest to write for children who are introduced to essay writing. Here is an example of a tiger essay for classes 1 and 2:

  1. Tigers are the largest cats in the feline family. They are one of the strongest animals in the jungle.
  2. Tigers are carnivorous animals. They hunt different types of prey for food.
  3. They have four powerful legs and soft paws that help them walk without making any sound. The paws have long and sharp claws used to grab and kill prey.
  4. Tigers pounce on their prey and bite the neck to hunt their prey.
  5. Tigers have orange and black stripes that act as camouflage in the jungle. They are able to hide from their prey because of these stripes.
  6. The roar of a tiger can be heard 3 kms away!
  7. In the wild, tigers live a healthy life for 26 years. But when they are kept in a zoo, they can only live for 16- 18 years.
  8. Tigers can eat 25 – 27 kg of flesh in one hunt.
  9. The female tigers are called “tigress”, and their babies are called “cubs”.
  10. The tiger is the national animal of India.

Short Essay On The Tiger

Short essays on Tigers are a little more advanced for children. They form the stepping stones to long essays. Here is an example of a short of an essay on the tiger: 

The tiger is India’s National Animal. These big, majestic cats are known for their daunting looks, powerful hunting skills and the fear they strike in all living beings, including humans. Tigers belong to the feline family. Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris. There are different subspecies of tigers worldwide that look slightly different from one another. Tigers are endangered animals as their population has decreased due to hunting, poaching and habitat destruction.

Tigers occupy the dominant position in their ecosystems as apex predators. They hunt all kinds of prey, including those that are several times their size. These carnivores are stealthy hunters. They have striped patterns that work as camouflage in the forest. They also have soft padded feet that help them move quietly. Their powerful legs, sharp claws and strong jaws with huge canine teeth are all designed to bring down their prey. Tigers are magnificent animals that are both fascinating and scary.

Essay On Tiger For Children - 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Long Essay On The Tiger

Long essays on the tiger require students to research the topic before attempting to write. Here is an example of how to write a long essay on tigers for class 3:

The tiger is a big jungle cat known for its hunting prowess. Being part of the feline family, they are related to other big cats such as lions and leopards. Their scientific name is Panthera Tigris. They are carnivorous in nature and are mostly found in dense jungles around the world in places such as South East Asia, China, Russia and Africa. In India, the Bengal Tiger is popular and lives in the swamps and mangroves on the coast. The Siberian tiger is an exceptional species as it thrives in the frozen areas of Russia. They have extra fur as a protection from the cold and look different from other tigers.

Tigers are apex predators in every environment they live in. They hunt a wide variety of prey, starting from small mammals such as rabbits and wild boars to large prey such as deer and wilder beasts. Because of their proximity to civilisations, tigers have also developed a taste for livestock. In some parts of the world, where they face scarcity of prey in the jungle, they also hunt humans. Tigers give birth to two or three offspring at a time. The mother stays with the cubs until they grow older and are able to fend for themselves.

Tigers in all parts of the world are endangered because of habitat destruction and poaching. Hunting tigers was a sport and entertainment for affluent thrill-seekers a few decades ago. It is highly important to impart education about the conservation of these beautiful animals as they play an important role in the environment. About a hundred years ago, the total number of tigers in the wild was more than 1,00,000. Estimates say that only about 4,000 tigers are left in the wild today. Protecting tigers and increasing their numbers is important for their ecosystems and future generations.

Why Are Tigers Important To The Environment?

Every animal plays a role in the environment that is hard to understand completely. They form a link in the chain that affects the stability of the whole environment. Tigers are the apex predators of their ecosystems. They help regulate the population of several animals. If the population of the prey animals, like deers, goes unchecked, they might end up over-grazing the vegetation, which can cause the collapse of the whole ecosystem. In this way, tigers play a role in regulating the population of all the organisms in the ecosystem.

Interesting Facts About Tigers For Kids

Here are some interesting facts that can be incorporated into essays:

  • Tigers are the largest cat species, with a total length of 3.3 meters from nose to tail. They can weigh up to 300 kg.
  • Tigers are the most recognisable of the big cats with their orange and black stripes.
  • The Bengal tiger is the most common tiger species in India.
  • Tigers are solitary creatures. They live alone and only seek other tigers during the mating season.
  • Tigers are excellent swimmers, unlike most other big cats. They can also pursue their prey in rivers and lakes.
  • Tiger cubs start learning how to hunt when they are six months old. They also stay with their mother until they are about 18 months old.
  • Tigers frequently hunt large animals in the wild. They are known to go after elephants, crocodiles and even leopards!

What Will Your Child Learn From An Essay On The Tiger?

By studying these essays, your children will be able to gather facts for their own write-up and even learn how to put the facts together. Essay writing is an important skill for all children in school. These essays on the wild animal tiger are informative and suited for school kids.

Tigers are amazing animals that fascinate both adults and children alike. When gathering facts about tigers and writing about them, children will learn the importance of the wild animal and will understand the ecosystem better. They will be sensitised to the need for conservation. 

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