“Blooms and sunshine, my July paradise. 🌸☀️ #GardenJoys”

  • February 1, 2024

Wow. I can’t believe we’re more than halfway through July.

I want summer to slow down because I’m a warm weather gal and I feel so alive during the summer months. The earth is bursting with flowers and plants, the birds are singing, the butterflies are winging, and I feel like Mr. Bluebird’s on my shoulder!

Almost every day I take a little walk through my gardens because they’re always changing.

So without further adieu, here’s my garden in July…

Purple Coneflower in July GardenBeautiful purple coneflowers! These hardy perennials spread easily and attract butterflies.


Purple Coneflowers are the perfect hardy perennialConeflowers make great cuttings for flower arrangements.

I will always have these beauties in my garden.


Pink and White Impatiens are easy to grow, shade-loving plantsI was able to catch my impatiens after a soft rainfall.

This is my favorite annual flower.

They love shade and are great in the ground or in containers.


Impatiens are perfect for flower boxes in shady spotsI like to plant impatiens in my flower boxes. They’ll mound up and spill over the edge of the box.


Daylilies are a hardy perennial and spread easilyThe daylilies are blooming. I caught this one after the rain.

It’ll be open by the end of the day.


White flowering hosta after a soft rainfall. A perfect perennial for shade gardens.This hosta flower has a slight lavender tint.

Hostas are another shade-loving plant that can be divided and planted elsewhere.


Yellow flower on a melon vine in an Illinois gardenThis pretty little yellow flower will soon turn into a big, ripe melon.


Growing melons in an Illinois garden in JulyThis is the first time we’ve tried growing melons in our garden.


Flower on a melon vine, planted next to oreganoI don’t have a picture yet, but there are a few little melon orbs on the vine.

I’m so excited!! That’s oregano flowering in the background. We have a ton of it!


Cherry tomato ripening on the vine - so easy to grow!Our tomato plants are finally getting loaded with fruit.


Cherry tomatoes ripening on the vine in the garden in JulyAren’t they perfect looking with the rain drops clinging to them?

I love my garden in July and love the scent of the tomato plants.


Cherry tomatoes on the vine in the garden in JulyI like to pick these cherry tomatoes and eat them right off the vine.

We don’t use chemicals on our veggies so they’re organic.

In a month I’ll be canning lots of tomatoes and I can’t wait!

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